HPVワクチン接種HPV Vaccination
筑波大学附属病院 防災・感染症管理棟 Disaster Prevention and Infection Control
対応日時:平日、土曜日(8:30~17:15) Weekdays, Saturdays (0830-1715)
TEL: 029-853-3682/3683
- 案内図/Navigation:
HPVワクチンを受けられる方々へ【防災感染症管理棟案内図】 1
- Q&A(PDF)【日英】HPVワクチン集団接種FAQ241004
① Q:持ち物や服装は何が必要ですか
What do I need to bring?
また、すぐに肩をだしやすい服装(袖周りの緩いものやノースリーブなど)の着用をお願いします 。
Please bring a medical checkup sheet (with the same address as registered on the resident registration card) issued during or after the Reiwa 4 fiscal year, a coupon ticket, a My Number card or a resident registrationcard, a mother and child health handbook, and clothes that allow you to reveal your shoulders easily (loose sleeves, sleeveless, etc.).
② Q:駐輪場はありますか
Is there a bicycle/motorcycle parking lot?
Yes, please use the hospital’s bicycle/motorcycle parking lot. (A map is provided in a separate document.)
③ Q:予診票は事前に記載が必要ですか
Do I need to fill out the medical checkup form in advance?
Yes, please fill it out at home and bring it with you if you already have the medical checkup sheet.
④ Q:茨城県に住んでいますが、住民票の登録は県外です。接種は可能ですか
I live in Ibaraki Prefecture, but my Certificate of Residence is registered outside of the prefecture. Can I be vaccinated?
We regret that only registered residents of Ibaraki Prefecture are eligible for the vaccination even if you are faculty, staff, or a student of the university.
*If you require immediate vaccination due to your circumstances, please contact the Disaster Prevention and Infection Control Building.
*If you do not have a Certificate of Residence and wish to be vaccinated, please register your Certificate of Residence in Ibaraki Prefecture.
⑤ Q:郵送されてきた予診票(クーポン券)をなくしてしまったのですが、接種はできますか
I lost the medical checkup sheet (coupon) that was mailed to me.
You will need to have the medical checkup sheet reissued, so please contact your local government office (municipality) where you are registered as a resident.
*Even if you have the preliminary checkup sheet, you may not be able to use it depending on when it was issued.
⑥ Q:住民票を持っていないのですが、他の住所証明書でもいいですか
I forgot my Certificate of Residence. Can I use some other proof of address?
Yes, as long as it shows the same registered address as your residence certificate.
(e.g., health insurance card with address, My Number card, driver’s license, etc. with address written on it)
⑦ Q:当日会計はありますか
Will I be billed for the vaccine?
1回目 32,430円 2回目 31,410円 3回目 31,410円
No. As this is a routine public health vaccination, there is no individual charge. (The hospital will bill the local government [municipality].)
*Please understand that, if the address on the preliminary checkup sheet does not match the address on the resident card, or if there is an error in the vaccination schedule (e.g., wrong interval between vaccinations, not eligible for catch-up), the full amount may be charged to the patient.
The amount of out-of-pocket expenses will be as follows in accordance with the hospital’s regulations: 1st dose 32,430 yen; 2nd dose 31,410 yen; 3rd dose 31,410 yen.
⑧ Q:予約をキャンセルしたいです
I would like to cancel my appointment.
Please contact the Disaster Prevention and Infection Control Building when cancelling.
To rebook, please make the reservation again on your own through the website after the cancellation.
⑨ Q:予約日時が分からなくなってしまいました
I lost the date and time of my appointment.
Please contact the Disaster Prevention and Infection Control Building.
⑩ Q:予約時間に遅刻しそうです
I may be late for my appointment.
Please contact the Disaster Prevention and Infection Control Building. Also, please note that if you are late for your appointment, you may not be able to receive your vaccination on the day of your appointment.
⑪ Q:受付してから帰るまでの時間はどれくらいかかりますか
How long does it take from the time I check in to the time I leave?
Although dependent on crowding, it generally takes about 1 to 1.5 hours.
⑫ Q:他のワクチンとはどれくらい間隔をあけたらいいですか
How long should the interval between other vaccines be?
Because it is inactivated, there are no spacing restrictions with other vaccines. However, please wait at least 2 weeks
after the COVID-19 vaccine before getting other vaccinations.
⑬ Q:接種した後、体調が悪くなってしまったのですがどこへ相談したらいいですか
Where can I go for help if I feel ill after receiving the vaccination?
On weekdays and Saturdays (8:30am-5:15pm), contact the Disaster Prevention and Infection Control Building.
During the night or on Sundays and holidays, please contact Emergency Outpatient Reception(029-853-3110/3860).
⑭ Q:2回目や3回目の接種はいつ受ければいいですか
When should I get the second or third vaccination?
A: 2回目は、1回目接種より1,2か月以上、3回目は2回目接種より3,4か月以上間隔をあけて接種をしてください。
The second dose should be given 1,2 months or more after the first dose and the third dose 3,4 months or more after the second dose.
*For example, if the first dose is given on May 25, the second dose can be given on June 25 at the earliest.